“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”.F.Nietzsche....Is this so in my experience? When faced with the abyss this Christmas yuletide there was not a whisper, a flicker, a pin drop, or reflection. It was I think the most frightening thing that has ever happened to me. The abyss brought on by efforts of reflection into my soul. To look with-in, to all the memories, the influences, the events, the hurts, the rationalizations, searching for why as a human being: that when watching another human being open their heart and give unselfishly, not be compelled to break my comfort zone and give in return selflessly. I met within my psyche the abyss. For either: I/we don't give a fig about what other people feel, or do, or say, and I/we are happy to be the recipient (a parasite,or sponge) of their giving. Because self-indulgence is my/our law. Or there is a fatal ...
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Message in a Bottle: I Have written in the pages of my black leather Bible what I understand from the opening verses. If anyone reads this it may speak to what the motivation is for this old hippies poetry. (on the fly leaf of Genesis). copywrite date 12/15/2019. did find a few messages in bottles walking the mid-Atlantic coast.
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"I asked everyone what "freedom" meant. Fathers and Children had very different answers. ... For the Fathers, freedom is the absence of fear; ... Freedom is never being flogged, although no generation of Russians has yet avoided a flogging. Russians don't understand freedom, they need the Cossack and the whip. For the Children: Freedom is love; inner freedom is an absolute value. Freedom is when you're not afraid of your own desires; having lots of money so that you'll have everything; it's when you can live without having to think about freedom.Freedom is normal. " ref. Svetlana Alexievich SecondHand Time
Day by Day
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The cosmos wheels around in the dance with itself, Billowing, Turning, Compressing and Exploding, Waves Hurtling through the Void, aching for a Rider. The Stuff of our existence opens and closes to the tide, as surf seeks it's Shore. Our only imprint, the sense Something has past. Vortex of distance leeward of our speck in the cosmos is our wake of light and thought and ever increasing distance to what we hold dear. Lord turn our forged Profiles to the onslaught of your Universe. and the Promises You flood our path with.
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I am reading Posterity: Letters of Great Americans to Their Children by Dorie McCullough Lawson and I am moved to write to my children wherever they are. My children are many and varied. The near-to-be-born spirits with whom I spent long hours out-side of and bedside of at varied hospitals. With the two women blessed with the desire to be mothers but not at the time with me. The gentle lives of those trusted to me by "God-father" status by friends now long removed from daily life. The children of my brothers who have always seemed like they were my own and indeed who share the preceding generation...
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Christine my love: Words on Paper Written here to tell you how I love you more and how I Might Sail the wide ocean, cross the flat plains, bring down the moon for you. hold back the rain / I will give all I have to ease your pain. Christine my love: Words on Paper Written here to tell you how I love you more and how I Might Face the wild Tiger in the dark night give you my broken wings you can take flight. I give all to you to make your life right. I will this day Forsake all others and Cleave to you as my Wife To Honor you and Cherish you Forever all of my Life. Christine my love: Words on Paper Written here to tell you how I love you more and how I Might Sail the wide ocean, cross the flat plains, bring down the moon for you. hold back the rain / I will give all I have ...
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Walk away, walk away. The moving Earth under our feet promise another day. What over-takes us is the seed that we have sown. If that breaks us, it is the fault of us alone. Walk away, walk away take a new fork in the road. New Earth trodden under foot, new branches broken before they have grown. If this new road leads us to the abyss, we will know we should have stayed and gathered moss like the famous once rolling stone.
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~~~ So a man walks into a Bar and asks, " what time is it? " The bartender says to him, " What's your Age? " ~~~ The man says, " I am Pleistocene Epoch, can I get an answer and a drink? " The bartender says, " It's 2:00 AM, and yes, but you will have to bring your own ice. " I walked into a bar and there were four young Afro-American men drinking who got up on stage and began to sing a song, "Well, I've had my fun, Time! Well, I've been loved and put aside, Time! And I've been crushed by tumblin' tide, Time! And my soul's be psychedelicized, Time! Now the time has come, Time! There are things to realize, Time! Time has come today, Time! Time has come today, Time! credit: Chambers Bros. We all are prisoners of Time. Einstein promised us that. E=MC2. So the firefly electric glow in our heads which we know as memories and thoughts float across the creation and destruction of the Material Universe an...
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A prayer for my country proud, looking down the barrel loud. Our hands strong gripped tight around the iron, our eyes focused far on the foreign crowd. Piercing the minds eye and filling the vowed heart with hot blood flushing our ears wowed, and our pulse rushing. Think too, in our hands are the nails of of the crushing, hushing Lion.
Paul's Letter the the Romans an answer to 21st Century America's Dicotomy
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Romans 1-9 Romans 1-9 New International Version (NIV) 1 Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God— 2 the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures 3 regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life [ a ] was a descendant of David, 4 and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power [ b ] by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. 5 Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from [ c ] faith for his name’s sake. 6 And you also are among those Gentiles who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. 7 To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul’s Longing to Visit Rom...