Opinion: IMHO the 1st Amendment protecting freedom of speech obviously does that. There is no censorship of speaking. Or assembly, and then speaking to that assembled audience. The freedom of the press is slightly different IMHO in that it does not to me seem to apply to the individual Person, but to the Entity i.e. "the Press" which is an organization. An organization which "Presses" in ink, or today in cyber-ink the written word. The Press had been a for profit business, and I believe today that is still the case. Possibly with the few exceptions of non-profit publications. However the Social Platform giants like Google, Meta, et.al are certainly for profit companies. When the 1st Amendment was written authors who desired to have their written works read had need to have them published in The Press and needed to court their favor, or pay for publication. Today it is not quite the same case. The Social Platform companies have opened their "Press" to bot...
Showing posts from January, 2023
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These quotes from the Reuters article below hit the nail on the head. But the speakers, at least the Republican speakers, are failing to hear their own words. i.e not seeing the forest for the trees. not seeing as plain as the nose on their own faces. History 101: Morals can not be legislated. i.e Prohibition the 18th Amendment. The political Religious Right's greatest and most failed attempt to impose a Church upon the Citizen. Only overshadowed by the obvious inclusion of Slavery in the original Constitution. And today the continued Slavery of Women as reproductive chattel. These three examples underlie the Explicit text of the 1st Amendment. Congress shall make no law regarding the Establishment of Religion. Anti-Slave Founders knew that eventually the pen would be mightier than the whip and the noose and the verbal sword. That free Citizens would rise up and claim their freedom. "Kenneth Falk of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, representing Plan...
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I know my Christian Brothers and Sisters do not believe in Reincarnation. However I have experienced strong evidence of History Repeating Itself. Even so far as recognizing personages who have influenced the course of History in people living today. In that vein I put fourth the prospect that the infamous Rasputin of the Russian Court is again making his influence, or at least Rhetoric, prominent again. Listen to the words of Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. Putin ally warns NATO of nuclear war if Russia is defeated in Ukraine By Guy Faulconbridge and Felix Light MOSCOW, Jan 19 (Reuters) - An ally of President Vladimir Putin warned NATO on Thursday that a defeat of Russia in Ukraine could trigger a nuclear war, while the head of the Russian Orthodox Church said the world would end if the West tried to destroy Russia. Such apocalyptic rhetoric is intended to deter the U.S.-led NATO military alliance f...
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OPINION: The argument by Judge Aiken that, "they failed to show any discriminatory motivation by Congress in enacting the exemption." and, "they failed to show how the federal government, in contrast to the schools, advanced religion." is IMHO the same lame and false argument that SCOTUS has been handing down ever since it allowed New Jersey Catholic schools to collect public tax dollars for student transportation. It is Public i.e. U.S. Governments, and that includes the States, giving Tax Dollars to support a specific religion. The argument that "the money could go to ALL religions" is specious. The money, which is an obvious support and endorsement, is going to a religious institution. And the religious institution by it's publicly declared precepts is discriminating against Citizens of the Untied States. The 1st Amendment grants the Privilege's of practicing a desired religion. It does NOT grant the trampling of the Rights of other Citizen...
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OPINION: This is a case that IMHO is a clear win for my opponents on the conservative side. This is individual, an employee of Our United States Government, is being asked to work on a day of the week which in the entire history of our Nation has been a day of rest, and in conflict with his religious belief. Moreover; the labor unions have a history of establishing a 40 hour work week and relief from employers to pursue their religious practice. There are I am sure court cases that uphold this. The development of the U.S. Postal Service imposing work on the traditional days off of Saturday and Sunday is only a recent economic development. Created out of political pressure by a President who deemed the Postal Service to be "un-profitable" when in fact the Postal Service is a Public Service created and held by We the People and not a made for "profit" corporation. It is an affront to The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution to put the illusionary Ne...
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I will keep saying it: The Second Amendment reads, " Recognizing the need for a WELL REGULATED MILITIA ..." WTF is well regulated about allowing access to a deadly firearm to a 6 year old child? Teacher shot by 6-year-old hailed as a hero for evacuating kids By Daniel Trotta Six-year-old boy shoots and gravely wounds teacher in Virginia school Police vehicles are seen parked outside Richneck Elementary School, where according to the police, a six-year-old boy shot and wounded a teacher, in Newport News, Virginia, U.S., January 6, 2023, in this screen grab from a handout video. WVEC via ABC/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo Jan 9 (Reuters) - Police on Monday hailed a 25-year-old Virginia teacher as a hero for evacuating students from her classroom even after she was shot by a 6-year-old student. The teacher, Abigail Zwerner, was in stable condition on Monday, following the Friday afternoon shooting at Richneck Elementary School in Newport News, Virginia, Police...
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USA Republicans - Take responsibility for your actions. You are now World Leaders of the Collapse of the Rule of Law. POLITICSBRAZIL Brazil: Bolsonaro supporters storm National Congress 3 hours ago3 hours ago Hundreds of supporters of the former president have stormed the National Congress building, as well as the presidential palace and the Supreme Court. His backers have refused to accept leftist Lula's election victory. https://p.dw.com/p/4LsgS Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the National Congress building in Brasilia on Sunday. Hundreds of people invaded the building, calling for military intervention to overthrow President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Lula was inaugurated one week ago. Supporters of the former president refuse to accept that the populist autocrat lost his bid for reelection, claiming the election was stolen. Hardcore supporters have even openly called for a military coup in order to put him back in charge, ...
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What about Citizens Rights to Domestic Tranquility, Freedom from Fear of Felons with Lethal Weapons. What leverage do Law Abiding Citizens who abhor lethal weapons have in checking this all powerful status to hold the Power of Life and Death. Especially when the same people are denying the same power to the 50% of the People who bear children. And do so under their threats of duress. and retribution. AR-15 upper receivers are displayed for sale at Firearms Unknown, a gun store in Oceanside, California, U.S., April 12, 2021. REUTERS/Bing Guan 3 minute readJanuary 6, 20233:07 PM MSTLast Updated 2 days ago U.S. appeals court to reconsider ban on nonviolent felons owning guns By Nate Raymond • Summary • Full 3rd Circuit to consider on Feb. 15 a ban on nonviolent felons owning guns • Case follows major U.S. Supreme Court Second Amendment ruling (Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Friday said it...