2 minute read December 25, 2022 2:44 PM MST Last Updated 18 hours ago Migrants dropped outside VP Harris's home on blustery Christmas Eve WASHINGTON, Dec 25 (Reuters) - Busloads of migrants were dropped over Christmas weekend near Vice President Kamala Harris' residence in Washington amid freezing temperatures, having traveled from the southwest border in Texas, immigrant aid groups said on Sunday. Approximately 110-130 of the migrants seeking asylum in the United States, many of them families with children, were placed on buses by Texas officials, said Tatiana Laborde, managing director of SAMU First Response, a relief agency working with the city of Washington, D.C. She said by phone that aid groups had been informed of their journey and awaited their arrival late on Saturday to hand out blankets and then transport them to a church in the city's Capitol Hill neighborhood. Aides to Texas Governor Greg Abbott were not available to comment on whether the state coordinated th...
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Owning a firearm is and always has been, like service in our Nation's armed militias a PRIVILIGE ! ! ! Not a Right. And a Responsibility-a big one ! The Power of life and death should always be - Well Regulated ! The Whiskey Rebellion philosophy was wrong 230 years ago. It is still wrong today. Republican's you chanted this to me for Decades from Vietnam, whom we are now selling Arms to, "Love it or Leave it!" - If you choose to die with your guns know you were free to make that choice. It will be Jesus who decides if plows or swords arrive in heaven. Dec 16 (Reuters) - An Illinois prosecutor has filed felony charges against the father of the man accused of opening fire on a crowd watching a July Fourth parade in Chicago's Highland Park suburb five months ago, killing seven people and injuring dozens. The father, Robert Crimo Jr., turned himself in to police on Friday under an arrest warrant charging him with seven counts of reckless conduct related to hel...
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nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. (The 14th Amendment) (Reuters) - Immigrants who are detained in the U.S. for lengthy periods of time while awaiting deportation proceedings do not have a constitutional right to a hearing on whether they should be released on bond, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Monday. Deepening an existing split among appeals courts, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 ruling said Aroldo Rodriguez Diaz, an El Salvadoran citizen with gang ties and an extensive criminal record, was not entitled to a bond hearing after spending 14 months in a detention center. IMHO-9th Circuit can't read. Or has a problem with upholding the Law as it is written.
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There is ZERO argument for SCOTUS in this case. NONE. Native American children are CITIZENS of their respective NATIONS with which our government has TREATIES. To deny a CITIZEN their NATIONAL RIGHTS is a FLAGRANT violation of Treaties and the Constitution. SHAME on you SCOTUS for even hearing this case ! ! ! Thomas Jefferson and his Republican Party turned his back on the Native Americans and his best friend President George Washington. Canceling the Treaties President Washington worked so hard to establish to Enshrine the Rights of Native Americans whos' lands we are occupying. Shame on Jefferson and the long tarnished Republican history of Native American genocide and discrimination. 4 minute read November 9, 20222:08 PM MST Last Updated an hour ago U.S. Supreme Court divided over race-based challenge to Native American adoption law By Andrew Chung and Nate Raymond The U.S. Supreme Court building is seen in Washington The U.S. Supreme Court building is seen in Washington,...
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The cases give the court an opportunity to overturn its prior rulings - including one as recent as 2016 - allowing race-conscious admissions policies at colleges and universities. They also give it a chance to embrace an interpretation favored by conservatives of the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment promise of equal protection under the law that would bar governments and other institutions from using race-conscious policies - even those crafted to benefit people who have endured discrimination. Conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh told the lawyer defending UNC's policy that "these racial classifications are potentially dangerous and must have a logical end point." "When is your sunset? When does this end?" conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett asked about UNC's consideration of race in admissions. Credit: https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-supreme-court-tackles-harvard-unc-race-conscious-admissions-2022-10-31/ This ends Court Justice when Your history ...
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The current Supreme Court's majority seems disposed to act in a comprehensive political and partisan way with the intent to disenfranchise all persons in disagreement with their espoused "Historical " and W.A.S.P. i.e. white anglo-saxson protestant, ethnocentric worldview. In response to their logic as they handled down their "Historic" based New Laws I think that these New Rights of Possession: 1. States and Organized Religion should possess Women's bodies, 2. Persons outside of our Nation's well regulated militia should possess combat weapons in any public setting, 3. Civil law enforcement should possess the right to deny Life to a Person under the jurisdiction of the United States Constitution without due process; should there for extend to my Sperm. And the Government should protect and propagate my Zygotes and posterity at Government expense. If conception is the Court's purview to enforce, than surely my Right to bear conceiving sperm and t...
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"Such cynicism, confrontation and dangerous polarization as today we have never seen in the history of the UN," Russian ambassador Vasily Nebenzya said of the proposal. He added that the Kremlin aims to "protect" people in the four regions from the government in Kyiv." Vasily your words fall on deaf ears because Stalin before you, and Adolf before him your have proven your way of protecting people by delivering a fiery hell from the sky is purely the work of lucifer the father of lies in your heart. The peoples of Poland will never forget the death you and your supposed "protection" have delivered to our people.
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IMHO: QC as the Empire has no "modern Slavery" to exploit in it's Colonies any longer you would do well to cherish the working poor who service the disposal of the sewage at the base of the Pyramid you have built.. Especially as the Crown is descending to rest on a new head at the pinnacle of that same Pyramid. Let those who have an ear hear. Britain has 'too many' low-skilled migrants, interior minister says By David Milliken QC walks outside 10 Downing Street, following the passing of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, in London, Britain, September 9, 2022. REUTERS/Maja Smiejkowska LONDON, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Britain has too many l ow-skilled migrant workers and very high numbers of international students, who often brought dependents with them, the country's new interior minister Suella Braverman said in an interview with The Sun on Sunday newspaper. Braverman said new Prime Minister Liz Truss's government aimed to stick to a 2019 election pledge...
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The premise that the 2nd Amendment is somehow Holy and irrevocable is Bullsh*t. The Founders wrote that Slavery was Constitutional enumerating Slaves as 3/4 of a person in the census. And we changed that...with the deaths of 600,000 persons and the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. The Founders wrote that oppression of Women (and sexual minorities) was Constitutional when they used the language," All Men are created equal." And we were in the process of changing that with the 14th Amendment, and what could have been the 28th Amendment Equal Rights Amendment when Ronald Regan and his hooligans re-enslaved women. And this year 2022 when Donald Trump's Supreme Court overturned just months shy of 50 years of Supreme Court argued and decided Precedent for The Constitutional Right to Privacy in Roe vs. Wade. And we the people will continue to fight and enshrine that. So it follows that the Founders never foreseeing the slaughter of innocents' lives in schoolrooms, the rive...
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"It (Biden's plan) will only lead to more calls for government intervention in education at taxpayers’ expense," said Steve Simpson, another attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation. HOORAY!!! It should. Governments interest is advanced by educating the Citizens!!! K-12 is PUBLIC education paid for by stupid high property taxes...pay for college you cheap bastards with the exorbitant Corporate Profit in this Nation!
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the Court has been “reluctant” to recognize rights that are not mentioned in the Constitution. Collins v. Harker Heights, 503 U. S. 115, 125. Guided by the history and tradition that map the essential components of the Nation’s concept of ordered liberty, the Court finds the Fourteenth Amendment clearly does not protect the right to an abortion. Until the latter part of the 20th century, there was no support in American law for a constitutional right to obtain an abortion. No state constitutional provision had recognized such a right. Until a few years before Roe, no federal or state court had recognized such a right. Nor had any scholarly treatise. Indeed, abortion had long been a crime in every single State. At common law, abortion was criminal in at least some stages of pregnancy and was regarded as unlawful and could have very serious consequences at all stages. American law followed the common law until a wave of statutory restrictions in the 1800s expanded criminal liability...
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"In a multi-racial, multi-ethnic nation like ours, the college admissions bar cannot be raised for some races and ethnic groups but lowered for others. Our nation cannot remedy past discrimination and racial preferences with new discrimination and different racial preferences," Blum said. Yes. It can. Blum you are wrong.
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The Whipping Post Defense: PHZ 09 09 2022 IMHO: The logic applied here seems to me to be one carried forward from Autocratic Rule. Where in the Autocrat when found guilty of a crime could purchase a surrogate to take the punishment. I.E. be tied to the Whipping Post. Flogged. Punished. In the place of the true perpetrator of the crime. Again, IMHO, an Insurer is nothing more than "the whipping boy" i.e. surrogate. The party that takes on the punishment for the purchasing parties crime. Therefor IMHO it follows that justice is not served unless the perpetrator of the offense take on the responsibility and punishment for the offense, less in the future the option to buy release from responsibility remains an option. Thanks be to God we have Jesus of Nazareth who took on our punishment and interceded on our behalf at the time of facing God that our judgement will be tempered. If Christ be thought of as "only" a "whipping boy" our souls need to be search...
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Paul Simon Lyrics "Mother And Child Reunion" No I would not give you false hope On this strange and mournful day But the mother and child reunion Is only a motion away, oh, little darling of mine I can't for the life of me Remember a sadder day I know they say let it be But it just don't work out that way And the course of a lifetime runs Over and over again No I would not give you false hope On this strange and mournful day But the mother and child reunion Is only a motion away, oh, little darling of mine I just can't believe It's so Though it seems strange to say I never been laid so low In such a mysterious way And the course of a lifetime runs Over and over again But I would not give you false hope On this strange and mournful day When the mother and child reunion Is only a motion away Oh the mother and child reunion Is only a motion away Oh the mother and child reunion Is only a moment away
George Washington speaks to The People on foreign nations.
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Observe good faith & justice towds all Nations cultivate peace & harmony with all—Religion & morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be that good policy does not equally enjoin it? It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and, at no distant period, a great Nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a People always guided by an exalted justice & benevolence. Who can doubt that in the course of time and things the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages wch might be lost by a steady adherence to it? Can it be, that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a Nation with its virtue? The experiment, at least, is recommended by every sentiment which ennobles human Nature. Alas! is it rendered impossible by its vices? In the execution of such a plan, nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular Nations and passionate attachments for others should be excluded; and that...
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"There is no such thing as coincidence", said Special Agent Jethro Gibbs of the Washington D.C. NCIS Bureau. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-waiving-truck-driver-rules-after-bp-whiting-shutdown-2022-08-27/ https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/bp-whiting-indiana-refinery-shut-timing-restart-unknown-sources-2022-08-26/ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/dutch-commandos-wounded-shooting-outside-indiana-hotel-2022-08-27/
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So much room for poetry. For beauty brought about in the human heart and mind by words. 58:00 Outlander "Famous Last Words" "so pick up you weapon, and come home with me." " "Lay under the stars. And let the trees and the rain be your bandage and salve for your broken heart. Until your love finds you, or you find love." And images. OutLander "Famous Last Words" 52:36 EDIT: An updraft of wind catches Brianna's paper anniversary airplane...and lifts it: UP and UP as Rodger watches it being carried away into the distance with a look of questioning and unknowing of what it means on his face. Outlander "Monsters and Heros" 13:19 "Rodger will find his purpose." " But purpose is not a matter of what Time you wish your life was in . It is a matter of what you do with the time you have in the Life you are in." Outlander "Mercy Shall Follow Me" 57:42 EDIT: Steven Bonett looks up from his handcuffed ca...
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No One is your Master if you have Given your Self away. ------------------------------------------ F.E.A.R. - Fear is false - evidence- appearing - real. ------------------------------------------ We asked the tree to wait. One minute. The tree shook in laughter. Saying, "You are surely mad. There is no such division in time for a creation that comes from God and returns to God." "There is only the eternal being in God's presence." "Undivided." "Unity - complete." "Laugh therefor. And be free, as the life has made you free." Saying this the tree stood immensely still and the birds aligh...
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2 minutes ago Add bookmark #1 So in my rainy day surfing I came across this. https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/doe-announces-battery-recycling-prize-phase-iii-winners But more interesting was following the links I found this. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy22osti/80220.pdf some cool info on what is happening in the electric aviation industry. The sticky wicket always seems to come back to charging batteries for autos or planes..or etc. Until one of our ingenious grandchildren discover how to to acquire electricity the way a thunderhead cloud does....i.e. like a Christmas morning fuzzy slipper wearing parent getting a big jolt touching the plug after shuffling over the carpet. Pulling those ions out of the air or off of the tree tops...or OMG from a lighting bolt....I don't know how. But the juice is there to get. Ben Franklin proved it. How he didn't turn into toast is doing it is a good question. lol. my 2 cts for the season. Hope your Airventure was great. I watched...