The current Supreme Court's majority seems disposed to act in a comprehensive political and partisan way with the intent to disenfranchise all persons in disagreement with their espoused "Historical " and W.A.S.P. i.e. white anglo-saxson protestant, ethnocentric worldview. 

In response to their logic as they handled down their "Historic" based New Laws I think that these New Rights of Possession: 1. States and Organized Religion should possess Women's bodies,  2. Persons outside of our Nation's well regulated militia should possess combat weapons in any public setting,  3. Civil law enforcement should possess the right to deny Life to a Person under the jurisdiction of the United States Constitution without due process; should there for extend to my Sperm. And the Government should protect and propagate my Zygotes and posterity at Government expense. If conception is the Court's purview to enforce, than surely my Right to bear conceiving sperm and the High Court's enforced Right to have The States and Organized Religions dictate the raising or not of children,  then the Court's obligation to carry out all the support and the States to shoulder all the burden of raising those conceptions, is not beyond expectations.  Moreover giving My Zygotes and posterity i.e. offspring preference due to my Historically Prioritized place in our National History should follow by the Courts value of Constitutional History. After all the name I propagate is a signatory name on The Document. 

Please reader know this treatise is an Absurdity written to illustrate the Absurdity of the High Court in this 2022nd year of our Jesus of Nazareth crucifixion. 

PS. My posterity has been cut off.  By in large by the prejudices of reactionary political and religious institutions in our One Nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All. 


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