For my teacher Scott Devine who mentioned watching Netflix Cobra Kai. So I tuned in, and watched the entire series. I feel as a Judo student and brother of a Karate 3rd degree black belt I can share my interpretation of how Miyagi-do methods apply to bass teaching. 

As  Miyagi-do uses wax-on, wax-off, sand-the-floor, and paint-on paint-off, I think similar physical exercises can help the bass player

The First is "Swim the Pool."  Ask the student to find their best way from end to end of the pool via either Backstroke, Breast-stroke, Australian Crawl, or Sidestroke.  The item to notice is finger control. Do the fingers stay together, in a unit pulling water? Or do they spread, passing thru water with no pull? This exercise develops finger strength and focus on finger positioning.

Next is " Pull the Weeds, Plant the Tomatoes." This especially for the finger apart swimmer. Get the fingers in the dirt, grab the weeds by the roots and pull them out. Once clear dirt is made open small holes with the fingers and plant tomato seedlings. This exercise creates finger and hand strength and naturally keeps finger nail length trimmed. 

Last would be "Play the Piano." This exercise would be for both left and right hands. Learning to play the C major scale: all the white keys from C to C. With the pianist cross-over method: thumb/index/middle---Cross the thumb over the middle and play Thumb/ index/ middle/ ring/ pinky.  Do this also with the A minor scale: all the white notes from A to A. 

The reverse direction Cross-over: pinky/ ring/ middle/ index/ thumb --- the middle crosses over the thumb to play Middle / index/ thumb. This exercise teaches all of:  Finger dexterity, ear training of major and minor, the location of the "natural" major and minor scales, and elementary introduction to piano key board and sight-reading 


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