Well the saying goes, "Death and Taxes" so the 2023 Rant rounds out with death. 

Two graphs to scare the general population into believing the doom of America is on the shoulders of the American Seniors. Damn them for living so long and eating up so much money and space of the rest of US!

What the pictures show also and fail to explain or even address is the incredible and highly noticeable flat line or reduction of the age group 19-34 i.e. the Military Age Group. Or the age group that is decimated by the wars Our Country fights and sends our Children home in body bags with 21 gun salutes. 

It is a horrendous thought, but one I can not put aside. The "Right to Life Movement" is it a corruption of religious belief to fill the 1%'s need to replace these missing, dying, sacrificed on the altar of "America" 18-34 year old youth? So that they can continue in their reclusive and protected position of power? Abraham Lincoln face this question neigh 200 years ago. 


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