Webster's or Funk and Wagnall's or any definition of this adjective leaves us light-years short of;

the consequences' in history it brings.  The 'road not taken' or 'the journey begun with a single step'. As a result of:

the un-seen force heard, or seen, or felt, or somehow absorbed into our being, our self, our abyss beyond the sleep hidden place with-in us, A place that is beyond the talking, writing, pinching, waking person we believe we are. And literally picks up our feet, puts our hands, eyes, ears, mouth, and butt in motion. Throwing us in the path of the hurtling train that is circumstance. also called history, or time, or fate or destiny.   With no thought of what lies on the other side. 

It should sound or look or ring in our being more deeply than this adjective that is used so lightly.  

Do you know it? or are the walls so high around you the dogma of your ideals takes you down the road well, and most travelled? 


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