As-salamu alaykum, Greetings to the worshipers of Allah, seekers of the straight path, the path of the blessed, not the cursed, worshipers of the lord of worlds, lord of The Day of Judgement, peace be with you, the peace beyond all understanding, peace of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Day of Judgement is upon us all, and has been, and will always be, until the Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified dead and buried and arose from the dead to ascend into heaven returns, come soon Lord Jesus Christ.  Until that time The One Who sits on The Throne and writes in The Book of Life, and opens the Seals and sits in Judgement commands us wait upon The Lamb of God who is Jesus Christ. The appointed Time of The Day of Judgement the opening of the Books of Life and One like the The Lamb of God descending from Heaven upon a steed with the words, "King of Kings, Lord of Lords" upon His thigh and a two-edged sword proceeding from His mouth proclaiming The Word of God, is known to none.  Hold your righteousness until that day. As do we.  wa ʿalaykumu s-salām


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