It is remarkable, so I am remarking, that it has taken until I am three score and ten in age
to discover some basic truths about my history. 

Present day political Republican candidates campaign and wave the American Flag, entreating
the Citizenry to "MAGA". i.e. Make America Great Again, the inference being that it is at sometime in America's past that American was "Great", and now it is not. 

This is however where my three score and ten does come into play, for the facts I know engraved in stone, that this "Great", they the Republican slogan throwers, are referencing
is the WWII era and the victory America contributed to, overcoming Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime, as well as Hirohito and the Japanese direct attack on America.  All of the adults I 
was nurtured by participated in this history and referenced this time in this way.  

Today, while watching a TV novel based on history of American Artists and Writers
efforts to provide escape from Nazi's Vichy France for European Artists and Writers captured there under Nazi Occupation, I was struck by the side story of the American Presidential Election. An Election that was occurring concurrently with this under-ground emancipation effort and counter to The Official U.S. A. "Neutral" stance as it involved Adolf Hitler's on going invasion of France and bombing of The United Kingdom. 

Serving his second term Franklin D. Roosevelt was running against businessman, never a public servant, Wendel Wilke. The battle ground for the campaigns was two fold, keep American OUT of the war with Germany, and challenge the Constitution on the legality of a President holding a third term in office.  

The Constitution ar that time said, "Yes" to three terms and eventually four.  But what was brought out in this accounting, of this period of history, is the vigor with which the Republican supporters of Wilke threw the refugees of Europe under the Nazi "bus" of holocaust. Going so far as to say, "accepting this inevitable change in power and preparing to do Business, because Business is what makes America Great, and making America great is what Wilke stands for and we support both." 

In this light the complete travesty and duplicity of Republicans' claiming the "Greatness" of America's overcoming Adolf Hitler's war machine, when in truth Republicans' had been a major obstacle of NOT getting into the war, and thereby costing countless lives, causes me to stop and reflect. Is this just "not learning the lessons of history, and history repeats itself?" OR is it a core operating principle of the Republican establishment to cost the lives of others solely to advance Republican power, profits, and profession? 

This is a core operating principle I believe, a tradition established in the wake of the American Civil War by financiers in the Republican Party who, revengeful over the loss of the lives of their sons, disposed of Abraham Lincoln, and then founded a Party ruled by money, and by design advance their agenda by the supplying the tools of war and sacrificing the lives of others.

In the similar tradition of the financiers of 1787 who declared to the Throne of England, never again would a Monarch lose Private Financial Property. i.e. land and slaves.   


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